Export - Sidebar

Written By Chris Louis ()

Updated at March 24th, 2020

***Note: The basic setup for all types of reports will follow the same steps. This example is in relation to the Activities & Tasks export.

  1. Select the type of export to run from the left side of the screen under 'Exports'. 

  2. Under Export Options, build the report by -

    • Select the source. The report can be based on 'All Accounts' or from specific 'Target Accounts'.

    • Name the report.

    • Select the distributor(s) to be included.

    • Choose the team(s) and user(s) to be included.

    • If inactive Users need to be included, check mark the 'Include Inactive Users' box. This is helpful if there is information from the deactivated users that needs to be included in the report.

    • Select the specific activities and tasks that will be included.

    • Select the file type. It is suggested to keep the report optimized for Excel, Sheets, Numbers.

    • Select the style in which to pull the report. For this example, it is suggested (if pulling for multiple users) having each activity/task in its own sheet.

    • For the 'Multi Select Fields Preference' – it is suggested leaving this set to 'Show all answers in single cell'. The choice 'Show all answers in separate columns' would be selected if the data is used to create a pivot table.

    • Select the frequency in which to receive the report. **NOTE; If this is a report that will automatically be sent on a regular basis, select 'Recurring e-mail'. For this choice, add an e-mail address and indicate when to receive the report.

    • Select the report range. If this is going to be a recurring e-mail, the report range will not need to be set to a specific start and end date. A 'Recurrence' section will load up for input.

  3. Click Submit. This will ensure that the report will either download immediately or automatically run on the selected day, depending on which frequency option was chosen.

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