The Rep Efficiency By Distributor report shows the same data as the Rep Efficiency report but breaks the data apart by distributor. Instead of seeing the total work of every sales rep in your org in one, long table, the Rep Efficiency By Distributor report will show how each rep has performed at accounts tied to each distributor footprint that they have worked in.

Map Filters
When you open the report, it will default to the following filter selections and will automatically run the report. The Distributor(s) filter is one of the key differences between this report and the Rep Efficiency report.
- Distributor(s): All Distributors
- Team(s): All Teams
- User(s): All Users
- Global Sales Time Frame: Last Month
To adjust the filters, click the Filters button to open the filters window on the right side of the screen. Once you've made new selections, click the Apply Filters button to run the report with those new parameters. Click the Reset All Filters button to revert the filters to their default selections.

Distributor Table(s)
Each distributor selected in the Distributor(s) filter will have its own table in the report. The tables are listed in alphabetical order by distributor name. Click the top of the table to open or collapse the table.
Each table also has its own Download button, with options for CSV, Excel, and PDF, and a Team Filter field just above the table. These features work independently from the other distributor tables on the screen.
<screen shot of pic with arrows pointing out the chevron, download button, and team filter>
The columns in each table include:
- TEAM - The team that the user is assigned to in Lilypad.
- REP NAME - First and last name of the sales rep.
- TOTAL VISITS - Total number of activities and tasks (with the Category tag: Visit) that the user completed during the selected time frame.
- UNIQUE VISITS - If an account has had several visits logged in Lilypad by the same rep during the selected time frame, then this would count as 1 UNIQUE VISIT. The table is sorted by this column in descending order by default.
- COMMITMENTS ADDED - Placements added by the user during the selected time frame.
- UNIQUE VISIT TO COMMITMENT - Ratio of unique visits to placements completed by this user during the selected time frame.
- COMMITMENTS FULFILLED - Number of placements that have matched with an invoice and have been confirmed as product landing at the account during the selected time frame.
- COMMITMENT TO FULFILLMENT - Ratio of total number of placements entered to fulfilled placements during the selected time frame.
If your Lilypad has more than 10 distributor data connections, then the first ten (alphabetically) will load when you run this report. If the filters are set to show more than 10 distributors, then click the Load 10 more distributors button at the bottom of the screen to view more distributor tables.