Export - Goals

Written By Chris Louis ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024


The Goals report located in the Export - Sidebar (web application) is useful to create custom report(s) that users can run to view the goals or Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) in Lilypad for each rep/user. 

NOTE: While Managers can pull reports on any user assigned to their team(s), Reps can only pull reports on themselves.

How To Create a Goals Export

The steps below outline how to use the export builder to customize your Goals report: 

Log into the Lilypad Web App ( https://lilypad.app.fintech.com/ ).

From the side bar on the left, click on Export.

Under the Exports box, select Goals from the list that populates.

To the right under Export Options box, complete the following steps: 

Enter a name in the Report Name text box.

Use the Select Teams and Select Users dropdowns to choose which are included in your report.

Under the Select Goals section, use the dropdown to select between the following goal duration types: 

  • Weekly - report will include all goals that are set to recur on a weekly basis  
  • Monthly - report will include all goals that are set to recur on a monthly basis 
  • Quarterly - report will include all goals that are set to recur on a quarterly basis 
  • Custom - report will include all goals that are set with a custom duration

Under the Archived Goals section, use the dropdown to select between the following options: 

  • Yes - report will include archived or inactive goals 
  • No - report will not include archived or inactive goals 

Under the Goal Type section, use the dropdown to select between the following options: 

  • Target List Goals - report will include only target list goals set to track against a user's target list(s) of accounts
  • Users Goals - report will include only general goals set track against all accounts 
  • Both - report will include both target list goals and general goals 

9  Under the File Type section, use the dropdown to select between file optimization preference: 

  •  Optimize for Excel, Sheets, Numbers - creates a compatible file for Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Apple Numbers.
  • Optimize for CSV - creates a comma-separated values file that allows data to be saved in a tabular format. 

10 If Optimize for Excel, Sheets, Numbers was selected, then under the Style section on the right, use the dropdown to choose between the following options for your spreadsheet:

  • All in one sheet 
  • Separate each duration into its own sheet 
  • Separate each user into their own sheet  

11 Under the Send & Frequency section, use the dropdown to select between the following options of how and when you'd like your report sent:

  • Download Now - creates a report that can be opened immediately.
  • Email Now - sends the report as an email attachment immediately.
  • FTP Now - allows you to enter credentials for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) completion to be sent immediately. 
  • Email Once Later - allows you to schedule an email to be sent once.
  • Recurring Email - allows you to schedule an automated email to be sent on a regular basis. 
  • Recurring FTP - allows you to enter credentials for File Transfer Protocol completion and schedule a regular send. 

12 Next, under the Report Range section on the right, use the calendar icon to select the time frame you want to pull the report for. 

13 If Recurring Email or Recurring FTP was selected, below the dropdown, enter the email(s) or FTP credentials into the text box. 


    Then, under the Recurrence section, choose from the following: 

  • Next to Repeat, use the dropdown to select the send frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Hourly
    • If Weekly was selected, use the day picker bubbles to select the exact day (Sunday-Saturday) you'd like the report to send.
    • If Monthly or Quarterly was selected, use the calendar to select the exact date you'd like the report to send. 
  • Next to At, use the textbox to select the exact time the report will be sent
  • Next to Data Range, use the dropdown to select the time frame (Previous week, Current week, Previous month, Current month, Quarter to Date, Year to Date) you want to pull the report for. 

14 Once done, click the green Submit button at the bottom right. This will ensure that the report will either download immediately or automatically run on the selected day/time, depending on which frequency option was chosen. 

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