Goals By User (Core Reports)

Goals by User is useful to see all goals set for an individual user

Written By Chris Louis ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Goals by User is useful to see all goals set for an individual user, no matter what type of goal (sales based or accomplishment based), what time period the goals are set to track against, or what Brands/SKUs or Activities/Tasks are being tracked.
  1. Choose the team(s) to include in this report.
  2. Choose the rep(s) to include.
  3. Indicate whether this is for Active or Archived goals.
  4. Click “Run”.
  5. Further filter the report by goal length and choose how to sort the goals that populate.
  6. In the table(s) that populate below will be the following information. Each user has their own box of information and that is outlined as seen below:
    1. All Goals for that rep, a progress bar for each goal along with the Duration, Type of goal, the Date Range and Days Remaining. Interactive buttons for each goal are as follows:
      • A “Goal History” button:
        1. This allows you to view a historical record of whether or not the rep has a history of accomplishing the selected goal.
      • A “Detail” button:
        1. This allows you to view which specific logs have been entered and have counted towards this goal.
      • An “Archive” trash can/button:
        1. This allows you to archive the goal directly from this report page if it is a goal that no longer needs to be tracked.

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