Journal - Icon

A handy way to get a quick visual on all actionable activity within the Lilypad app.

Written By Chris Louis ()

Updated at June 24th, 2020

Journal Feature

The Journal feature is a handy way to get a quick visual on all actionable activity within the Lilypad app. No matter what action was taken, a quick snapshot is made within the journal noting the time, day, and type of action that was made in the app. 

The Journal is essentially an outline of all activity logged in Lilypad, including:

  • Activities
  • Tasks
  • Placements
  • Items added to the Planner
  • Distributor reports ran
  • Social wall interactions

Viewing Additional Details from Journal

Each log can be accessed to see details about the account the entry was tied to, what post was responded to, or any other detailed information about that Lilypad activity.

Click on the arrow to the right side of the screen of each entry to deliver more details about that particular Journal entry.

  • If an Activity, Task, or Placement detail is clicked, it will open the Account Details (Profile) page for the account that was associated with this entry. Additional information about the account can be viewed including the Log tab where specifics can be seen about that Activity, Task or Placement.
  • If clicking into the Distributors report detail, a spreadsheet version of the report will be displayed.

There is also a Search ability, using the magnifying glass icon at the upper right of the screen. The logs in your Journal go back up to 2 months from the current date.

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