Blue Pushpin - Plan > My Lists tab

Written By Amjad Amer (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 12th, 2023

My Lists

The My Lists tab shows category options for Potential Placements, Follow Ups, Distributor Attention, Events and any Target Lists that have been specifically created for the user by their manager. When any one of the categories are clicked on, a list of accounts will populate that have been tagged for that list. A user can also add more accounts to all lists except for a Target List - only an Admin or Super User is able to edit Target Lists.

There are 4 default lists:

  • Potential PlacementsAccounts that are interested in product but have not yet committed to any product. This is only a note and cannot be converted into a placement. 
  • Follow UpsAccounts where follow-ups have been scheduled for future dates and times.
  • Distributor AttentionAccounts that need specific attention from the distributor.
  • EventsAccounts where events have been scheduled for future dates and times. 

There are several ways to add an account to any one of these default lists.

Adding an Account Through an Activity or Task

When filling out an Activity or Task that requires an account to be chosen, you'll find buttons at the bottom for Potential Placement, Distributor Attention, and Add To Planner.  Click on either of the first two to add a new category note for this account.  After clicking on Add To Planner, the Category Type field on the next screen will include Follow Ups and Events.  Adding notes to the calendar item will also save the same notes under Plan > My Lists.  

Adding an Account Through Plan > My Lists

  • Navigate to Blue Pushpin > Plan > My Lists. 
  • Click on any of the four default lists to add an Account to that list.
  • Click the '+' sign at the upper right corner of that list.
  • Either search for an account or choose one from the populated list.
  • That account will now exist under the chosen list, and you can either add a new note or update an existing one. 

Using My Lists

Once accounts have been added to a list, you can view these accounts as a list or on a map.  Use the List or View Map buttons at the top of any list to toggle between views. 

Tap on any account in a list to take you to the account's profile page.  From here, you can view account details, start an activity/task, add a placement, or add/edit a planner item.

At the bottom of any list, tap the Select button to reveal checkboxes to the right of each account in the list.  Tap on these checkboxes and then click the Delete button at the bottom to remove one or more accounts from the list. 

Target Lists

If your manager has created one or more target lists for you, they will appear beneath the four default lists mentioned above.  In addition to the List and View Map buttons at the top of all lists, Target Lists have a third tab - Stats.  The Stats tab shows the following information:

  • Total Accounts in the Target List.
  • Visits This Month.
  • Commitments (placements).
  • Total CE/9L This Month (tap for further details - cumulative across all accounts and all reported invoices from distributors).

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