Here are the items completed for this release.
Enhancements (mobile version
- iOS iPad Landscape view enabled when you turn your tablet sideways (LP 81440).
- Android tablet Landscape view enabled when you turn your tablet sideways (LP 81441).
- Distributor Contact Title field is now an open text field (LP 82167).

- Account Contact Title field now has a “Custom” option that opens a text field (LP 82166).

- Manager Daily Team Recap report email - ability to turn on/off. You can now stop receiving the Manager Daily Team Recap report email each day by going to Side Menu > Notifications Settings > Daily Team Recap and toggling it off. If you manage more than one team, each team will have its own toggle listed beneath the main “Daily Team Recap” toggle (LP 78681).

Bug Fixes (mobile version
- Improved Distributor Sales data (IT 85654).
- History no longer shows duplicate entries (IT 85477).
If you have any questions about this release, please reach out to us from the Lilypad mobile app by going to Side Menu > Help Me or send an email to
Thank you!
Your Lilypad Team