How To - Create A New Team

Written By Chris Louis ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The steps below outline how to use the Teams builder located in the Settings - Sidebar (web application) to create the different teams that reps/users can be assigned to. 

The benefits of having different teams is that it allows for Activities/Tasks and Resources to be assigned to specific teams so that reps/users are only seeing what is relevant to them populate. 

Managers can also easily access and view stats of reps/users assigned to their respective team(s). 

**NOTE: Managers can be assigned multiple teams, but a rep/user cannot belong to multiples teams. 


Getting to Teams Builder Page

Log into the Lilypad Web App ( ).

From the side bar on the left, click on Settings.

3 Under the Organization section, click into the Teams bubble.

Creating a New Team

On the left side of the screen, inside the white box, click the blue plus () sign at the top right corner. A builder section should populate at the right side of the screen. 

In the textbox next to Name, input a team name. 

Below the team name, a section for Activities and Tasks is displayed. You can toggle the view by clicking either the Activities or Tasks button - it will turn blue if selected and remain gray when not selected.

To assign the Activities and Tasks for this team, drag them from the Unassigned box and drop into the Assigned box.


Below the Activities and Tasks Unassigned/Assigned boxes, is the Resources section. To assign Resources to the team, drag the folders from the Unassigned box and drop them into the Assigned box.

Once all applicable Activities, Tasks, and Resources have been assigned, click the blue Save button in the top right corner of the screen.

Assigning a Rep/User to a Team 

While logged into the Lilypad Web App, click on Settings from the side bar on the left. 

Under the Organization section, click into the Users bubble. A list of users will populate.  

To the far right of the user's name, click the green pencil icon ()

In the User Info builder that opens, locate the Team dropdown to assign the user to that team.  

Once you have assigned the correct team from the dropdown, click the green Save button in the top right of the screen.

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