The steps below outline how to use the Teams builder located in the Settings - Sidebar (web application) to create the different teams that reps/users can be assigned to.
The benefits of having different teams is that it allows for Activities/Tasks and Resources to be assigned to specific teams so that reps/users are only seeing what is relevant to them populate.
Managers can also easily access and view stats of reps/users assigned to their respective team(s).
**NOTE: Managers can be assigned multiple teams, but a rep/user cannot belong to multiples teams.
Getting to Teams Builder Page
1 Log into the Lilypad Web App ( ).
2 From the side bar on the left, click on Settings.
3 Under the Organization section, click into the Teams bubble.
Creating a New Team
1 On the left side of the screen, inside the white box, click the blue plus () sign at the top right corner. A builder section should populate at the right side of the screen.
2 In the textbox next to Name, input a team name.
3 Below the team name, a section for Activities and Tasks is displayed. You can toggle the view by clicking either the Activities or Tasks button - it will turn blue if selected and remain gray when not selected.
4 To assign the Activities and Tasks for this team, drag them from the Unassigned box and drop into the Assigned box.

5 Below the Activities and Tasks Unassigned/Assigned boxes, is the Resources section. To assign Resources to the team, drag the folders from the Unassigned box and drop them into the Assigned box.
6 Once all applicable Activities, Tasks, and Resources have been assigned, click the blue Save button in the top right corner of the screen.
Assigning a Rep/User to a Team
1 While logged into the Lilypad Web App, click on Settings from the side bar on the left.
2 Under the Organization section, click into the Users bubble. A list of users will populate.
3 To the far right of the user's name, click the green pencil icon ()
4 In the User Info builder that opens, locate the Team dropdown to assign the user to that team.
5 Once you have assigned the correct team from the dropdown, click the green Save button in the top right of the screen.